Create your own herbarium

For the International Children's Day the KinderDomBauhütte has again an idea for our young fans:
Outside it is greening and blooming in full splendor, the best time to get to know our local flora and create your own little herbarium! Here you will find instructions and some tips on how to do it easily. Have fun with it!

You will need the following materials:

  • Paper, scissors and pens
  • Flowers and plants
  • Adhesive tape

To start, grab 3 to 4 A4 pages and fold and cut them to size so ...

Ein gefaltetes Blatt

...that you have your own little magazine.

Mehrere gefaltete Blätter

You can design the front freely according to your ideas.

Ein gebasteltes Heft mit der Aufschrift Mein Frühling

Now it's time to move! Go out into nature and find your plants for the herbarium.

Eine Hand hält eine Gänseblume

Take some tape and stick your plants onto each page of your notebook.

Eine Gänseblume wird in das Heft geklebt

Also write down which plants you have chosen for your herbarium.

Eine aufgeklebte Gänseblume

To make your plants hold better in the notebook, the best way to press them is to place your herbarium under some heavier books.

Eine getrocknete aufgeklebte Pflanze

We hope you enjoy making them and look forward to welcoming you back soon.

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