Special guided tour "Between Pope and Emperor - Naumburg Cathedral in the Investiture Controversy. A special guided tour on the 900th anniversary of the death of Bishop Dietrich I."



29 Sep 2023




Naumburg Cathedral
Cathedral Square 16/17, 06618 Naumburg (Saale)


12,00 €

Men of the church and secular rulers at the same time - bishops are part of a complex network in which they have to find their own position between different positions. In the Special guided tour on Friday, September 29, 2023 we give you around 6:30 pm Insights into this world of bishops between imperial and church politics. We take the 900th anniversary of the death of Dietrich I (27.09.1123), Bishop of Naumburg, as an opportunity to look back to the 12th century in particular. The question of who was allowed to appoint a bishop to his office came to a head with the Investiture Controversy and was only settled with the Concordat of Worms in 1122. This dispute also affected the Naumburg diocese and has left its mark on some parts of Naumburg Cathedral to this day.

Please buy a ticket in time via our Online shop or contact us via our visitor centre every Friday at 6.30 pm from the end of June to the end of October.

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