Spenden Sie jetzt ONLINE für den Naumburger Dom
The Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul in Naumburg is one of Europe’s most important cultural monuments from the high middle ages and a masterpiece of human creativity. It is our task, our passion, to maintain and preserve this World Heritage Site for future generations. But we can only do that with your help.
Donations by bank transfer
Sie können mit einer Überweisung jeden beliebigen Betrag für den Naumburger Dom spenden und so dazu beitragen, dieses einzigartige Welterbe zu erhalten und für weitere Generationen zu bewahren.
Please do not forget to indicate an intended use.
Donation account
United Cathedral Founders
Burgenland District Savings Bank
Account 30 000 63 934
SORT CODE 800 53 000
IBAN DE98 8005 3000 3000 0639 34
Upon request, you will receive a donation confirmation. Donations of up to 200 euros are also recognised by the tax office on presentation of a bank statement.
Fundraising projects
Save the patron saints of Naumburg Cathedral
The church is donated to them, they give it their name and stand on it in a sublime and protective manner: the patron saints of Naumburg Cathedral St. Peter and St. Paul.
Learn more about the project and help to preserve the patron saints
Donor letters
Volunteer work
Would you like to do voluntary work for Naumburg Cathedral? Many exciting activities are possible:
- Voluntary work in the Visitor Centre
- Support in visitor reception - advice for our guests
- Distribution of audio and group devices
- Conducting guided tours
- Preparation and supervision of concerts, church services and events
- Voluntary work in the Cathedral Chapter Library and Archive
- Maintenance of the Cathedral Garden and the Cathedral Cemetery
- Voluntary work in the KinderDomBauhütte
Bastian Borck
Phone: +49 (0) 3445 23 01 111