Special guided tour "G. von Goch, the Hussites, a cathedral archivist and the church festival legend"



28 Jun 2024




Naumburg Cathedral
Cathedral Square 16/17, 06618 Naumburg (Saale)


12,00 €

During the special tour, you will learn more about the origins and historical background of the cherry festival legend.

According to tradition, the town of Naumburg was besieged by the Hussites in 1432. These formed as a movement after the burning of the reformer Jan Hus and wanted to avenge his execution. As Bishop of Naumburg (1409-1422), Gerhard von Goch took part in the Council of Constance, where the decision to burn Hus was made. However, he had nothing to do with the condemnation and execution of the reformer. Nevertheless, the legend arose in Naumburg that the Hussites later wanted to take revenge on Naumburg because of his involvement. This legend is largely based on the chronicle of lies by Johann Georg Rauhe, who laid the (false) foundation for today's Kirschfest at the end of the 18th century. The Hussites were never in Naumburg.

Bishop G. von Goch donated the Epiphany Chapel on Naumburg Cathedral Square. When Johann Wolfgang von Goethe visited the cathedral in 1813, he was particularly taken with the bishop's tomb in the south transept of the cathedral.

Please buy a ticket in time via our Online shop or contact us via our visitor centre every Friday at 6.30 pm from the end of June to the end of October.

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